Sunday, April 4, 2010

talking points 7 Gender and Education

Here is what the results were that I found when it came to boys and girls in school based on gender and education.

Girls are very good at math and so are some boys. Some boys are bad at math and so are some girls. I think that is most believed because everyone assume girls are great are math and most of boys are not that good

Also, high school girls who think of math as a male thing are less likely to go
on in math and are less likely to do well in math. Girls are much less apt than equally talented boys to go into math related careers including engineering and the physical sciences.

Parents have lower expectations for girls in math and science. Some educators use the math gene as an excuse for their own gender-biased classroom behaviors. Biology is used to justify the smaller number of girls on math/science teams and the smaller number receiving math/science awards.

Some female teachers feel that being a woman is enough to encourage
girls, and it isn’t necessary to do anything else. Some male teachers feel that it isn’t possible to reach girls so it isn’t necessary to try. Some adults and students feel that girls avoid classes taught by men.

Sometimes it is said that men are better than women and vice versa. Both are totally wrong because men and women have different traits when it comes to doing work in schools. Both sex's have both have their attributes when it comes to school, music, sports, and many other things. If something applies to White girls it also applies to African American and Hispanic girls. If something applies to African American boys it also applies to African American girls. Out of all the studies that i have read about they mostly say the same thing about most ethnic races and other educational attributes.


Unknown said...

I agree with your last paragraph, though we have some physical differences, we are all just as capable.

Yana Stetsyuk said...

In my research I actually found that there are significant differences in gender and education when it comes to race. Although white boys tend to do better in math in science, when it comes to Latinos and African Americans, its the girls that tend to do better in the same fields. This is the research I found, but I should note there were no actual statistical evidence or data provided. I find that it is the case with many of the articles regarding gender and education. They all make claims, but usually no real statistical evidence is provided.